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Software Development Tools


Trusted Info Systems Inc.

To alleviate the problems of porting Lisp code from a Zetalispenvironment to a Sun Common Lisp environment, the Zdemos packageintroduces new functions and function enhancements into Common Lisp.Zdemos routines are written in Common Lisp and provide a number offeatures that are particular to Zetalist but otherwise unavailable inCommon Lisp. There are three types of compatibility functions provided:Programs that were originally written with these loop constructs aregenerally difficult to translate into other Lisps because the constructsexpand into fairly complicated forms. Loops retains the original compactform. The looping constructs are useful even for those who are notstarting from a Zetalisp base.are provided.effects. Some functions that only take strings in Common Lisp areredefined to allow atoms or strings as in Zetalisp. Many of thesefunctions are defined.

Language: Common Lisp
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Common Lisp
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Trusted Info Systems Inc.
11340 W Olympic Blvd Suite 265
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Phone: (310) 477-5828
Fax: (310) 477-1998